"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"- Helen Keller
or our 2023 season, each family must commit to volunteering throughout the year to the value of 2 volunteer credits (Novice level), 4 volunteer credits per player (Atom Level), 6 volunteer credits per player (Peewee) and 6 volunteer credits per player (Bantam) in a regular full season. Each credit is worth approximately 2 hours of volunteer time,valued at $50/credit. Each family will be required to provide a volunteer deposit cheque in the amount of: $100 (novice), $200 (atom), $300 (peewee), $300 (bantam).
Throughout the season there will be numerous opportunities to complete your volunteer commitments. Many of the credits can be obtained right at the field, helping with our annual Jamboree, running sticks or time clock at the games or volunteering for one of the longer term positions. Or if you'd rather do it away from the field we have BBQ's, concessions, 50/50 and many more. This season we will be using signup.com to sign up for and track volunteers. To sign-up go to the volunteer tab then select volunteer sign-up and select the opportunities you are interested in. If you have any issues or questions please reach out to our Director, Volunteering
Season Long Commitments - Practices and Games
COACHES provide guidance and encouragement to the players. Most of the LDMFA’s coaches are parents of current or former players. These men and women commit a tremendous amount of time towards the players’ enjoyment of the sport of football.
TEAM EQUIPMENT MANAGER provides any necessary equipment maintenance. This person is the team’s liaison with the main LDMFA Equipment Manager.
TEAM TRAINER provides medical assistance as required. Sports and/or emergency medical certification is required. It is especially important that this person attend all practices and games or arrange for a qualified replacement.
TEAM MANAGER helps make practical arrangements for team activities and coordinates the necessary contacting of players about practice or game changes. If a player will be missing a future practice or game, this should be communicated through the Team Manager. The Manager often requires the assistance of other parents for specific activities.
Game Long Commitments
STICK CREW - Three people are needed each game to work the “first down chains” and the “downs box”.
TIMEKEEPER/Score clock - one person is needed each game to run the time and score clock. This volunteers will be trained to be familiar with the specific timing and scoring rules prior to the game.
These people follow the directions of the referees.
ANNOUNCER - Announces teams and sponsors, 50/50 ticket winner and anything else asked by the teams/executive
CONCESSION/BBQ - Work according to assigned spot in concession
50/50 TICKET SELLERS (2) - Sell tickets according to gaming laws and direction of team director
GATE WORKERS - Direct parking as per rules set by executive
MORNING SETUP/AFTERNOON CLEANUP - Setup and take down of fields, dressing rooms, cleanup of stands etc.
Annual Commitments
TEAM DIRECTOR is an executive position (elected at the previous year’s Annual General Meeting) that is the formal liaison between the parents, coaches and the LDMFA Executive, especially in the areas of information, policy and conflict resolution (as necessary).
LDMFA EXECUTIVE - In addition to each team’s director, about a dozen people are needed each year to serve on the governing board for Leduc and District Minor Football. Click HERE for a list of the current Executive.
One-Time Commitments
VARIOUS other tasks will need doing throughout the year, including things like setting up tables at banquets and other events.
Click here to see what is available.
If you are applying for an on-field volunteer position such as coach, trainer or team director you will be required to obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC).
To be a standing member of the board, you will need a Criminal Record Check (CRC) or VSC.
Ensure to obtain your CRC/VSC prior to starting this registration. You can use a CRC/VSC obtained for another organization as long as its less than 90 days old from the date of submission through this registration. You will need to obtain a new VSC and submit annually to LDMFA.
To obtain a CRC/VSC you must print and present this letter, which is essential for the police to waive the associated fees. Additionally, you will need to provide two government-issued IDs such as a driver's license, passport, or birth certificate to the police.
For 2024 please click on the button below to complete your registration as a board member or on-field volunteer.
Please click on the Expense Sumission button to submit any expenses you require reimbursement for or need LDMFA to pay to a vendor.
When filling out the form, you must upload an image or PDF of the receipt or bill. Multiple files can be uploaded if necessary. Additionally, please include proof of payment if you made the purchase or paid the expense out-of-pocket.